Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Tuesday comments from the Team members

It is now 7:30PM (Iran time) on Tuesday, July 17, and the students just called to chronicle their day.

They woke up very early this morning, had breakfast, went to the Gym and then sat in virtual seclusion for 5 hours as they worked and worked on the Experimental Exam.

Once the exam was over, they enjoyed about 3 hours of free time going over the exam and just enjoying everyone with a release of satisfaction that it was finally over!!.

They were interviewed by the Iranian Student Parliament. These are advisors to the Ministry of Education. After the interview, they toured a Cathedral, built by Armenian immigrants, and the Historic Bridges.

Dinner, with the coaches, consisted of the major food groups: Meat, Lamb, Chicken, Rice ,watermelon and sesame bread. Not surprisingly, the conversation was largely a discussion of the lab exam.

Jenny has enjoyed being with her female counterparts. We remarked on how beautiful she looked in the pictures we have seen. She reported that the tour guide has been gracious in lending her such beautiful scarves.

Clearly, the USA team members are enjoying themselves and making very good friends. While science is an international and cross-cultural language, science by students is even more universal.